3. Duplicate the original project into the MS Access file In MicroStrategy Desktop, go to the menu Schema -> Duplicate Project; Select the project source of the original project to transfer; Login as MicroStrategy Administrator as screenshot below and click on 'Next' Why MicroStrategy Why MicroStrategy; Customer Stories; Platform To add copies of a table from other database instances. 1. To export a project schema to an Excel file in MicroStrategy Developer 9. 4. The MicroStrategy Engine includes three built-in functions to handle conditional expressions: IF(), Case() and CaseV(). ConnectionMode: - 2-tier for a direct (2-tier) project source connection. Step 3. For example, [“MicroStrategy Tutorial”, “Enterprise Manager”] ProjectSourceName. Ranked #1 for Enterprise Analytics in 2022 Gartner Critical Capabilities Report. Option 1 (Scheduler is turned off) Enable the Scheduler through MicroStrategy Developer. An administrator user can clear the Project Monitor of these unloaded, undeletable projects by reconfiguring the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server. Using Tutorial data: To do this the user must copy their second document into the hidden Objects Templates->Dashboards folder. Within Categories, browse into 'Server Definition' and choose the 'Advanced' subcategory. When using the project duplication wizard in Developer to duplicate projects within the same project source, the option 'project-related users and group only' is disabled as shown below: To create a new project using the Project Creation Assistant. x, right-click on the project and select Delete, as shown in the following image: Method 2 - Via MicroStrategy Command Manager: A command in MicroStrategy Command Manager allows for the deletion of projects from the Command Manager. This means that one must have originally been a duplicate of the other, or both must have been duplicates of a third project. where: attr_name is the name of the attribute to be modified, of type string, between double quotes ("). Specify the. Consider the two scenarios below: 1. Starting from MicroStrategy 10, some additional files need to be created in the Intelligent Cube file directory during project upgrade. MicroStrategy Administrator - Object Manager allows users to perform the following actions: Duplicate and upgrade projects. This knowledge base article explains how to migrate projects from one metadata database to another in MicroStrategy 9. Choose a Source Project Source and Source Project as well as a Destination Project Source and Destination Project. They may be compared in either 2-tier or 3-tier. To duplicate a project with subscriptions, follow the steps provided in "KB 45537 How to duplicate a project without subscriptions for MicroStrategy Cloud Enterprise" adjusting the following steps: Step 8: Change the migrating objects to the following: Click on "Select users. So Since MSTR m2021 Update1, users can decide whether they want just machine name or FQDN for the server name in the link to History List. )An example is shown with MicroStrategy Tutorial Project: - In Microstrategy Developer, log into the project where it is desired to obtain a report's VLDB properties. x. 5. From the Select a Project drop-down list, select the project for which to assign the security role. . Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_ADDRESS'. Another option when running a report inside MicroStrategy Web is to select the REPORT HOME dropdown, which will allow a user to access the sharing options. MicroStrategy Object Manager activates MicroStrategy Desktop Project Duplication wizard to perform the operation. 0. jar file to i-server machine. You are currently using 1 named users. Self-Service Analytics with Amica. Double-click the security role you want to assign to the user or group. x, all users can see the project even if they could not see the project before duplication. Microstrategy developers responsibilities require that "developers must be able to give clear instructions to others working on a project. Go to Menu -> Tools -> Options. To log in to a project source using Object Manager, you must have the Use Object Manager privilege for that project. Follow the steps below to access the Project Comparison Wizard: From the Start menu -> Programs -> MicroStrategy -> Administrator -> Object Manager. The duplicate key value is (<ID>). 2. Duplication is the only way to get the projects into another environment. x. In MicroStrategy, the metadata repository is a database that contains the definitions of database objects such as tables and fields in a way that developers and users can easily understand. Projects must have the same Schema ID and they must be updated to the same metadata version prior to the merge. This restriction exists to ensure that the schema objects are compatible between the projects, as it would do considerable damage to import attributes and facts into a project to which those objects do not belong. MicroStrategy SDK 9. Use Object Manager when you have only a few objects that need to be copied. Right-click on the project name and select Duplicate Project. LIST ALL PROPERTIES FOR PROJECT CONFIGURATION IN PROJECT "MicroStrategy Tutorial";. Please subscribe to the channel to get an update with videos and help us to get 5000. When Windows Authentication is used, users are able to log in to the MicroStrategy projects using their respective Windows domain accounts. Why MicroStrategy Why MicroStrategy; Customer Stories; Platform Products; MicroStrategy ONE; AI & Augmented; Dossier; Library; Workstation; HyperIntelligence; Multi-Cloud; Embedded Analytics. SYMPTOM: When trying to do a project duplication selecting the options to migrate subscriptions for the users being migrated, the subscriptions do not get migrated. Move objects within a project. If the path begins with a dot, the directory will be found in the Intelligence Server installation directory. The steps to use the JDBC driver to connect to Oracle are as follows: Download the Oracle JDBC thin driver. " and select all users and groups, except for. xThe status of an Intelligent Cube tells you how the Intelligent Cube is currently being used and whether reports can access the Intelligent Cube. Click Select. Add | select in connection mode Server. Note: For the purposes of this example, the following steps assume that the source and destination metadatas are contained in separate databases. Go to the Project Monitor under Administration, as shown below:I am new to the Microstrategy, I need some tips to do my task involves change of fact table in a project. SELECT project_id, object_id, object_type, subtype, object_name, abbreviation, description, version_id, parent_id, owner_id,. These two components. l pg_dumpallBacksupalldatabasesinagivencluster,andalsopreservescluster-wide datasuchasroleandtablespacedefinitions. x from the command line by using the following command:. Select from the following: To duplicate the database connection, click Duplicate. A Dockerfile describes what goes into a. Under the Tools menu, select Project Documentation. In the source metadata,. If you have dossiers in a shared environment, you can copy the dossier to a new location in the same environment. for Superclass and search for 'ProjectsTransform'. Duplicate projects and Intelligence Servers appear in MicroStrategy Web. This method is recommended and supported by MicroStrategy. exe) is a utility responsible for updating the metadata with the latest project information based on the version of MicroStrategy Desktop from the machine on which the utility is installed and executed. You can unlock the schema in the Schema Editor . You can access this setting through the following steps: Log in to your Project Source. Now Click on Select Tables from Warehouse Catalog Button and Database instance Wizard will open. Delete objects within a project. Copy this empty project into the destination environment using Project Duplication ensuring that all users and user groups are copied. 4. Was this post helpful? thumb_up thumb_down. Specify the IP address of the SMTP server. Create a Security Role. Intelligence Servers and Projects are duplicated on the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page and on the Project page in MicroStrategy Web 9. Create a database instance that references the intended datamart location by performing the following steps. 3. This means that either one project must be a duplicate of the other, or both projects must be duplicates of a third project. If desired, select the Do not ask me again checkbox to avoid showing this message for any dossiers, documents, or reports in the future. I have to duplicate the project, change the fact table and change the related items. Project duplication setting is heart of the migration. Starting from MicroStrategy 10, some additional files need to be created in the Intelligent Cube file directory during project upgrade. Once logged on, expand the administration icon in the Folder List and browse to the Database Instance Manager. Select Project Sources and click Next. 4. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo. This is by design. The report can be executed in MicroStrategy Web. MicroStrategy recommends that if you want to copy objects between two projects. To log in to a project source using Object Manager, you must have the Use Object Manager privilege for that project. Transform description: This transform displays project status on the Projects page. Right-click on the right-hand side of Desktop, select New, and then select Report. MicroStrategy has the following tools available for updating the objects in a project: Object Manager migrates a few objects at a time. Review any messages displayed when attempting to import a copy of a table from a different data. Drag and drop objects from the Object Browser into the Create Package dialog box. x. Assuming that the statistics tables have already been created in the. 2. Under Preferences, click General. FOLLOW THESE STEPS: Create Object Manager Package: 1. 3. Delete option is performed on the Intelligent Cube, and data is not compared with the warehouse. CAUSE: The 'Everyone' group is placed into the 'Normal Users' security role for the project during duplication, even if the group had been previously removed. Choose the individual modules to be logged. bat, as shown below, to run PurgeObjectCache. Browse to and select a previously saved Intelligent Cube on which to build your report. Activate the Tutorial project at 3-Tier using one of the following methods. If you want to copy application or schema objects between projects, MicroStrategy recommends that the two projects have related schemas (one must be a duplicate of the other or both must be duplicates of a common project). This issue has been addresses in MicroStrategy Developer 10. 2. Another way to copy objects from multiple folders at once is to create an update package from the source project, and then import it into the target project. The scenario below explains the steps to follow to configure two identical projects pointing to two different warehouses in the same Project Source in MicroStrategy 9. Rename objects within a project. SYMPTOM: Project. )The following example shows how to create a metric that displays attribute values in MicroStrategy Developer. The SMTP server should have access to the Internet and it should be configured to relay messages originated in the MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server machine. Project: the project containing the objects to include in the update package. 4. Open the Workstation window with the Navigation pane in smart mode. Update/Update only option does not compare all the attribute elements. For Intelligent Cubes that are frequently used, it may be easier to send a URL to users to develop the report object that already contains a cube. 2 release, the driver file is called odbc8. Follow Steps 1 to 10 to decide the parameters of the duplication process . 4. 3. Create a copy of the Tutorial Warehouse, call it Tutorial_WH_Copy. authored through Developer and are tightly coupled to a MicroStrategy. Each environment contains a MicroStrategy project. Update the schema in 2-tier and reload the project from the Project Monitor, as described below: Update the schema in 2-tier. Within Categories, browse into 'Server Definition' and choose the 'Advanced' subcategory. KB13782: After duplicating a project in MicroStrategy Developer 10. If the path begins with a dot, the directory will be found in the Intelligence Server installation directory. Restart the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server. Select the appropriate options to define the dynamic recipient list, as described above. To create to a direct project source. When duplicating a project, the following options apply to subscriptions for the selected users: Include user delivery subscriptions – This will duplicate cache update, History List message, Mobile, Intelligent Cube update, email, file, and print subscriptions for the duplicated users. Name: ProjectsTransformCustomStatus. out l. Expand Administration, and then expand System Monitors. The Security Role Editor opens. ; Dossier authoring enhancements, including: New context menu options to move, copy, or duplicate images, text boxes, and HTML. Restart the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server. What action should be taken? The incomplete project cannot be repaired, therefore it must be deleted. It is strongly recommended to create DSN for MicroStrategy ODBC drivers (such as MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for Oracle Wire Protocol) using the MicroStrategy. 0 (Ashburn and Seattle): 1. Using Object Manager, you can copy objects within a project or across projects. . On the Data Sources pane on the left, hover over the name of the database connection to modify and click the arrow icon. The MicroStrategy Tutorial - Delivery project contains sample services that demonstrate many of the features of MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server. Go to Connection Type > Direct (2-tier), and click Next. pkg. Object Manager and Project Merge both copy multiple objects between projects. You can access this setting through the following steps: Log in to your Project Source. e. This would change the project version so that the Copy and Paste would work. In the destination project source, administrator privileges are required. Click Save. Refresh. In the original project, create the document to be used as a portable document. In MicroStrategy reports, attributes are identified by the column headers of the reports. Explanation: The name will use the browser default language preferences, English (United States) in this case. From the Select a Project drop-down list, select the project for which to assign the security role. In MicroStrategy Developer, duplicate each of the projects into this new project source. Removing duplicates (cross joined data) in MicroStrategy Desktop. Sometimes you need to deal with a data source that has duplicated data. With system prompts, it is possible to use database security tables to build MicroStrategy security mechanisms. This method is recommended and supported by MicroStrategy. . To duplicate a project with subscriptions, follow the steps provided in "KB 45537 How to duplicate a project without subscriptions for MicroStrategy Cloud Enterprise" adjusting the following steps:. Connect to the project source and expand the project that is to be duplicated, as shown below: Right-click on the project name and select Duplicate Project. is the project for which the project configuration properties will be listed, of type string. To log in to a specific project, see Starting MicroStrategy, page 2. A Administrator decides to run a project merge against a newly duplicated project in MicroStrategy 9. To create a configuration update package, copy the file createConfigPackage. In the next slide, 'Database Instance Definition', choose a name and database type for the datamart. Object Manager looks in the destination project's Public Objects folder for a subfolder named Report Dependents (the same path as in the source. The following. To resolve this issue, MicroStrategy recommends disabling the feature Group recipients in a single email when device and bucketing rules are the same. When the highlighted is selected, MicroStrategy Office will try to find a project source name in Web Services that matches the persisted project. Applications of MicroStrategy. Copy and Paste them into the MicroStrategy Common Files Directory: C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesMicroStrategy; Section 6: Load images into the MicroStrategy Web and Mobile Servers. scp i PURGE OBJECT CACHING IN PROJECT "Project_Name"; Create a batch file named PurgeObjectCache. It visualises interactive dashboards, charts and graphs and improves analytics and predictive modelling capabilities. 4. Create a user as shown below: CREATE USER "jaime" PASSWORD "user" FULLNAME "jaime User" IN GROUP "Web Users"; Create a DbLogin for the user created in Step 2, as shown below: CREATE DBLOGIN "dblogin_ jaime" LOGIN "sa". Configure Intelligence Server with restored metadata with Configuration Wizard . Unlock Project statement. After duplicating a project into another project source via MicroStrategy Developer 10. For jobs executed in MicroStrategy Web, the Query Engine of the Intelligence Server is used. To move system objects between projects that do not have related schemas, the projects must either have been created with MicroStrategy 9. x. In the left pane, click Privileges. , the result set is retrieved from the warehouse after which the conditional statements within these function definitions are applied. The Scan MD tool executes tests to detect inconsistencies in the metadata. 3. exe -f Path\XMLFilename. STEPS TO REPRODUCE: Right click a project and select Duplicate Project…How to use Guacamole to copy and paste text or files in MicroStrategy on AWS; All new Download site is now available! How to increase the Java Heap size in Tomcat Application Server; KB222220: Images are not displayed in Excel documents that are delivered through Distribution Services in MicroStrategy 9. Click Next and Finish. 2. x SOLUTION 1: Take MicroStrategy Tutorial Project for example, Command Manager can be used to get the settings. Import the document into the replacement project. In the destination project source, administrator privileges are required. Search for objects within a project. When duplicating a project, the following options apply to subscriptions for the selected users: Include user delivery subscriptions – This will duplicate cache update, History List message, Mobile, Intelligent Cube update, email, file, and print subscriptions for the duplicated users. After duplicating user (s) from the out-of-the-box Administrator user, the server becomes out of compliance. SOLUTION 1: Take MicroStrategy Tutorial Project for example, Command Manager can be used to get the settings. If you want to copy application or schema objects between projects, MicroStrategy recommends that the two projects have related schemas (one must be a duplicate of the other or both must be duplicates of a common project). Go back to MicroStrategy Desktop, right mouse click on the project -> Search for Objects. For the default contact for the user, this will duplicate. Scan MD. 2. ACTION: Close the project source in MicroStrategy Object Manager to the MicroStrategy Tutorial metadata and then the user has the option of performing the duplication by clicking on Project -> Duplicate Project from the Object Manager menu as shown in the image below instead of MicroStrategy Developer if desired:Choose one of the following options: List all elements (no restriction): This option displays all of the attribute's elements to the user when he is answering the prompt. jar. Step 5. x, execute the following steps: Connect to the project source and expand the project that is to be duplicated, as shown below: Right-click on the project name and select Duplicate Project. Add Category, SubCategory, and Cost to the dossier. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo. This can be achieved as follows: Connect to a project. Click Create a new Security Role next to Security Roles. After loading, MicroStrategy will present a window like this. To create the Enterprise Manager project, run Configuration Wizard on the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server machine that uses the Metadata where the project should be created, and select the Create Enterprise Manager project option. new_attr_name is the new name of the attribute, of type string, between double quotes ("). The Revenue metric is said to be used by these other objects. In their own words, “MicroStrategy is the largest independent publicly traded business intelligence (BI) company, with the leading enterprise analytics platform. It gives you the leverage of generating real-time reports and monitoring. To copy a document between projects, follow the high-level steps below. For example, you may want to run the project duplication in the evening, when the load on Intelligence Server is lessened. Find an object's parents or children. If you are leveraging Web ASP, see KB484127 to use this feature. To import multiple copies of the same table from different data sources into a project, the requirements listed below must be met: • The table name and column names must be. Enter a name and description for the new security role. KB482889: Project cannot be unloaded via Command Manager or Developer when there is user session or job execution in Micro… Number of Views 1. When a ScanMD Fix is performed on a project, the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server should be stopped, or that Project unloaded. Choose Get Info if you are using a Mac. Open the script. This is a known issue in MicroStrategy 9. The properties needed to define a column of a DB table (Columns) Top level object - represents a Castor installation (Castor Server Config. To edit the database connection, click Edit. x, the warning message that follows is faced during the project duplication across two different metadata repositories from 3-tier in a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 instance to 2-tier in a Microsoft Access 2007 instance: Operation must use an updatable query. Go to the 'Database Instance Manager'. In the left pane, click All Settings. For more details about this setting, refer to Change Data Engine Version Detailed reproduce steps: In MicroStrategy Web, create a new Dossier and click on New Data and select Databases and pick following 2 tables ; Choose Access mode to be "In-Memory"Command Manager can connect to an Intelligence Server (metadata repository) either directly by scripts or by a project source. Using MicroStrategy Enterprise Manager 9. To duplicate a project in MicroStrategy Develper 10. Our vision is to enable Intelligence Everywhere. 1 and 10. The user logging in to Developer must be granted the "Audit Change Journal" privilege. To see the ID and version of an object, right-click the object and select Properties. I have a question regarding duplicates in Microstrategy. Deploy the ojdbc8. Copy Objects Object Manager can copy application, schema, and configuration objects. Click Add, select the elements, then click OK. The issue stems around the Database Instances warehouse connections when project related configuration objects are being duplicated. This will produce an html document containing the search results and any information that is selected about those objects. Before creating a database instance for a project warehouse, users need to create a Data Source Name (DSN) that points to the database (which holds the project warehouse). 8-1. 7. by clicking the lock icon for the project. Open Command Manager and type the following commands to execute the Intelligent Cubes. You cannot move Project A objects to an exact copy of Project A. 'Product 02' is licensed for 0 named users. In this scenario, you typically use three environments: development, test, and production. In the Project Source Name field, type a name for the project source. 5. 3. x. Starting in MicroStrategy 9. MicroStrategy recommends that if you want to copy objects between two projects. The following example shows how to create a metric that displays attribute values in MicroStrategy Developer. Exporting creates a package file with the extension . DESCRIPTION: There are a number of scenarios in which it is desirable to automate the adding of a statistics instance i. To achieve this, perform the following steps: Open MicroStrategy Command Manager and log into the appropriate Project Source and provide a user name and password for each user with access to the. Ranked #1 for Enterprise Analytics in 2022 Gartner Critical Capabilities Report. x cannot be duplicated until it is upgraded toThis article discusses an issue where subscriptions are marked invalid and deleted after duplicating a project to another metadata in MicroStrategy Developer 10. For creating new database instance click on NEW. Open the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard. From the Warehouse Tables pane, right-click the table to add to the project and select Add Table to Project. In the 'Project Duplication - Select objects to duplicate' window in the Project Duplication Wizard, choose the 'Selected. On the source computer, go to Start > Run. In the data warehouse, attributes are normally identified by a unique ID column in a lookup table. pkg. Copy objects within and across related projects. For all projects, enter *. Some customers may need to use the Oracle provided JDBC in lieu of MicroStrategy shipped ODBC driver to connect to Oracle database. Ranked #1 for Enterprise Analytics in 2022 Gartner Critical Capabilities Report. The users and the user groups from the source environment will be copied over to the destination environment along with the empty project (which can be deleted at a later time). This is a short walk through of the main Object Manager uses including project duplication and project object change and management between different instances of the project Dev - Test - Prod. Quoting Behavior is a setting created to control whether a project uses unified quoting. Request a demo. x, execute the following steps: Connect to the project source and expand the project that is to be duplicated, as shown below: Right-click on the project name and. Case() and CaseV() functions are Analytical Engine functions, i. x-10. Object Manager and Project Merge both copy multiple objects between projects. Click and drag the user from the Backup Metadata folder to the same User Group where the user is located in the Current Metadata. KB14574: How to list duplicate users per project in MicroStrategy Developer 10. Some uses for this data include: •. Ranked #1 for Enterprise Analytics in 2022 Gartner Critical Capabilities Report. x can be used to create a list of users within a single project source for export to Microsoft Excel. For example, in the MicroStrategy Tutorial project, the Revenue metric has used-by dependencies of many reports and even other metrics. For. This document shows how to create a MicroStrategy Object Manager package to prevent a dependent object from being migrated over. Change the password of the account. Set Freeform SQL and MDX objects default security. Click Add, select the elements, then click OK. 8. Find an object's parents or children. In the MicroStrategy system, every object has an ID (or GUID) and a version. In the original project, create the document to be used as a portable document. 1 - 10. This data is stored as Intelligent Cubes. The duplication wizard hangs at different steps during subsequent duplication attempts. Each environment contains a MicroStrategy project. 4. Click your Account drop-down and choose Preferences. Restart the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server to make the new settings take effect. Select the “File from Disk” option. MicroStrategy Administrator - Object Manager is built with the assumption that two projects are related. 4. Check the required options in the 'Export schema' dialog box and. To allow a user to duplicate projects in MicroStrategy Developer, the following privileges are required in the source project: - Analyst -> Use Developer. 3. LIST [ALL] PROPERTIES FOR PROJECT CONFIGURATION IN PROJECT ". Sainsbury’s, a leading UK retailer deployed a comprehensive suite of applications that deliver best-in-class analytics experiences—powered solely by Snowflake, AWS, and the MicroStrategy Cloud. See full list on Duplicating Projects. 5. MicroStrategy Object Manager can help you manage objects as they progress through your project's life cycle. To do so, you can take advantage of URL API. Using MicroStrategy Enterprise Manager 9. From the DSN drop-down list, select the DSN used to connect to the metadata repository. Select the element, and go to Menu -> Custom Group -> Show Display Options, as shown below: Select the last option "Show the element names, individual items within this element and also, expand these individual items if possible",. Connect to a project source or Narrowcast Server. Using Cache Monitor From the Cache Monitor under Administration for a Project Source, it is easy to identify to which project does each cache belong or to filter all the caches for a project identifying one of the caches for that project. It is available as web-based or on-premise platform, along with native mobile apps. DSSCSADDRESS'. I have to duplicate the project, change the fact table and change the related items. 1. 11?; Knowledge Base: Annotate. A user sees duplicate values when creating an element list prompt in MicroStrategy Developer 9. One workaround is to check each DBI and make sure all DBI including system DBI have database connection. Unlock the ultimate power play of data creativity and data horsepower to develop applications that transform. Replace the text ‘MicroStrategy Tutorial’ with the name of the MicroStrategy Project you would like to purge data for. This knowledge base article documents the best practices for avoiding metadata issues that result from Duplicate Columns in MicroStrategy and how duplicate columns can be created. Quickly integrating data into MicroStrategy as part of a proof-of-concept. MicroStrategy recommends that if you want to copy objects between two projects. - Administration -> Duplicate project. Select and edit the specified. Supported data structure and distribution on Gateway. Click Export and save the file. 1. The MicroStrategy Tutorial - Delivery project contains sample services that demonstrate many of the features of MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server. ; From the DSN drop-down list, select a DSN for the data source that stores the metadata and specify a. 4. x - 9. 2987. Click in the right pane. In the Device Editor, click the Delivery Options tab. The scenario below explains the steps to follow to configure two identical projects pointing to two different warehouses in the same Project Source in MicroStrategy 9. The game-changing enterprise analytics tool that turns data into actionable insights and intelligence. use the function "Remove Duplicate Rows". • 0: Do not create the Platform Analytics project. Enter the credentials for the Administrator account on the local Intelligence Server, and then enter the DSN and. /mstrcfgwiz. Under "Browsing Options", check the option "Show hidden objects" and confirm the change. To create to a direct project source. 1, users have the ability to keep the source project's GUID as the destination project's GUID using the "Use the same identifier (GUID) as source project" setting located within the project duplication wizard as shown below. The Detail Level drop-down allows you to choose Full, Page level, or Visualization level. Launch MicroStrategy Object Manager and connect to a project that is the migration source. This knowledge base article documents the best practices for avoiding metadata issues that result from Duplicate Columns in MicroStrategy and how duplicate columns can be created. Using Object Manager, you can copy objects within a project or across projects. Note the project source that connects the Intelligence Server. How to delete, invalidate or expire caches from a specific project in MicroStrategy Developer. . MicroStrategy Object Manager: A lifecycle management tool designed for MicroStrategy environments, and helps you to copy various objects inside a project or across different related projects. new_desc is the new description of the attribute, of type string,. This article explains how to to copy Partition Mapping tables and objects from one project to another in MicroStrategy Object Manager 9. What Objects are Duplicated with a Project? When you duplicate a project, all schema objects (attributes, facts, hierarchies, and transformations) are duplicated. Administrators no longer need to install Narrowcast Server on the machine where. From the Select a Project drop-down list, select the project for which to assign the security role. You must first update the other project before you can copy objects between the projects. 3.